
应对海平面上升的方法: 非洲和美洲地区新兴政策应对的比较视角

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Charles Chernor Jalloh




本文原载于《美国大学国际法评论》(American Uniersity International Law Review),题目为“应对海平面上升的方法:非洲和美洲地区对新兴政策反应的比较看法”(Approaches to Sea Level Rise: A Comparative View of Emerging Policy Responses by the African and the American Regions)。本文谨代表作者立场,不代表平台和译者观点。限于篇幅本文仅翻译引言部分,如需获取全文,请点击文末“阅读原文”下载获取。





I was asked to see if I could make a contribution to the discussion, which we are having today, on the specific sub-topic of how sea level rise is affecting States in Africa and the America’s region and their emerging policy responses to the phenomenon. And my first thought was to think of it in a comparative manner. So, I come to the topic, unlike my prior distinguished colleagues, not focusing so much on the law but thinking of the potential policy responses that we are beginning to see from governments in the Africa and Americas regions.
Part of the reason for my interest in these two regions is that I have a sense of duality, having been born and raised in Sierra Leone but now having the good fortune of living in a city that is considered the gateway to Latin America: the city of Miami in Florida in the United States, which in many ways is also directly relevant to the topic that we are discussing today. The reason for that is that Miami–and South Florida generally–is considered in many ways (at least for the United States) as a part of the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to these issues concerning sea level rise. Miami in particular, and Florida more generally, are projected to be the first to experience rising sea levels. That is in fact a reality already. For those of us who live in a community in South Florida, you cannot ignore the local news that is saying, on any given day, that the oceans are creeping up and reclaiming some land at least in certain neighborhoods. In parts of South Florida, we have more and more flooding and evacuation zones where people actually have been moved away from the homes that they live in because of the risks that are associated with sea level rise. This phenomenon is something that is increasingly frequent in South Florida and very much a reality for some of the local population. Of course, on the broader level, the US is part of the Americas region, although I will not focus on it in the discussion here today even though there are other parts of the US such as in Louisiana and Texas in the South where also sea level rise is being felt and both lands and islands have been partially inundated. Indeed, much of the South Coast and the Gulf Coast of the US are feeling the impacts of sea level rise. Worse is that the scientists suggest a measure of acceleration may even be taking place with the mean increase in sea level rise. Needless to say, the US, more than most States, has the capacity to respond at a policy level given its status as the world’s richest country.

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图文编辑/翻译:胡楠  江苏大学法学院本科生 

审校:徐奇 暨南大学法学院/知识产权学院副教授 



