
发出我们的声音 - 立法日活动感想

高士达 APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20





后来,所有的参与者又根据自己的兴趣分成了不同的小组。我选择加入枪支管制小组,有幸与2018年俄州AAPI立法日主席Ronald Katsuyama一起讨论。我们参观了众议员Glenn Holmes、John Becker及参议员William Coley的办公室。遗憾的是因为众议院正在开会,Coley参议员及两位众议员均无法与我们见面。

令人欣喜的是, 我们分别会见了Holmes和Becker议员的法律助手:James和Michalowski先生,我们与他们进行了精彩的对话。民主党人詹姆斯先生同意我们提出的许多概念,例如支持普遍背景调查和反对“不退让”法案。




(English Version)

Use Your Voice

by Andy Gao

Anyone can make a difference. Though there are many challenges as an Asian American/Pacific Islander minority, one of the biggest weapons we have are our votes and our voices. Whether you are a student, professional, or anything in between, you can make a difference through advocacy on issues that affect everyday lives.

On June 27th, 2018, Ohio AAPI successfully held their 8th annual Legislative Day at the Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus Ohio. Around 7:00 in the morning, I put on my suit and tie and boarded the provided charter bus. Throughout the day, many AAPI elected officials and community organizers spoke about their experiences and involvement within the community. I also attended two of the offered sessions, which featured speakers well versed on important topics, as voted on by Ohio’s rapidly growing AAPI community, of mental health and gun control.

Later that day, all participants were split into groups based on their selections for legislative visits. Accordingly, I was put into the gun control group, where I worked with 2018 Ohio AAPI Legislative Day Chair Ronald Katsuyama. We visited the offices of Representatives Glenn Holmes and John Becker, and Senator William Coley. Unfortunately, Senator Coley was unable to meet with us, and both representatives were unavailable because the House was in session.

Unfazed, we met with the legal aides of Representatives Holmes and Becker: Messrs. James and Michalowski, respectively, with whom we held wonderful conversations. Mr. James, a Democrat, agreed with many of the concepts we presented, such as support for universal background checks and opposition to the “Stand Your Ground” Bill.

Mr. Michalowski, however, a Republican, stood his ground. Though there were many differences in philosophies and ideals, Mr. Katsuyama taught me to always find the common ground, because, from there, you can build a relationship. Thus, despite the differences, similarities were found and a good conversation was had.

As I took off my suit jacket and relaxed into my seat on the bus, I realized I was exhausted. A day of running around took its toll on me. But I learned a lot: the voice is very powerful and influential. And anyone can use it. Despite the fatigue, I had already decided to go again next year, for it was a truly amazing experience.

【编者按】本文仅代表作者观点,不代表APAPA Ohio及OCAA官方立场。更多精彩文章,请点击“阅读原文”查看我们公众号的主页。欢迎大家积极投稿!所有图片均来自网络。如果存在版权问题,请与我们联系。


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关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

