

深圳梦 2021-02-21




预公告 | 深圳“新时代十大文化设施”之一:深圳音乐学院全过程设计国际招标即将启动


The Shenzhen Conservatory of Music Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Documents is under preparation and will be launched soon. The project is now open for Pre-registration. 


Project Overview


This project is one of “Ten Cultural Facilities in New Era” invested by Shenzhen Municipal Government. With the need of talents for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and CUHK-Shenzhen’s successful experience, the project will integrate philosophies of other world-leading international schools. It aims at establishing an international, innovative, world-leading higher education institution for music and art, which will fill the blank of music and art education in Shenzhen.


The site of The Shenzhen Conservatory of Music is in International University Campus, Longgang District, Shenzhen, next to CUHK-Shenzhen. Currently, most of the structures at the site are gymnasiums, which will be demolished before the project construction.


Core Design Content


The core design contents for The Shenzhen Conservatory of Music include: classrooms, practice studios, library, auditoriums, student dormitories, staff dormitories, dining hall, performance auditoriums (including a 700-seat A-Level competition theater, a 500-seat music hall and a 200-seat rehearsal hall), and science research space (including music technology center, music management center, music therapy center, sociomusicology center).

图表 1 设计内容 Figure 1 Design Content

图表 2 项目选址示意图 Figure 2 Site Surrounding

图表 3 项目现状 Figure 3 Current Condition


Work Scope


The bidding content of this project is the whole process design, all the project construction content in the plot, including scheme design and optimization (including investment estimates and instructions), design development (including cost estimates and instructions), construction documents (including construction and technical documents, construction drawings and instructions), review and stamping of record drawings, on-site construction cooperation, coordination and cooperation with other consultants hired by Tenderee, and other related services; special design, preparation of relevant special reports, etc.


The key majors involved include, but are not limited to, master planning, architecture, structure engineering, electrical, curtain wall, landscape design, sponge city design, interior design, architectural acoustics, floodlighting, green building, theater / concert hall design, stage craft, river improvement, etc. The final work content shall be subjected to the tender documents and design contract.


Bidding Type


Procedure of open call (Pre-Qualification) is adopted for this project tender. The tender includes pre-qualification phase, Design Competition Phase, and Final Evaluation Phase. Honorarium is set up for outstanding schemes that are shortlisted.


Application Requirements

1. 申请人须是中华人民共和国境内、外注册的企业或机构。

2. 申请人(至少一名联合体成员)需具备国内设计建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质,确保全过程设计成果满足国内、深圳市有关规范、规定和行政审批部门的要求。

3. 项目负责人或主创设计师至少一位具备国内一级注册建筑师资格。

4. 接受联合体报名,其中联合体成员(含牵头单位)共计不得超过两家,联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成联合体参与报名。

5. 联合体合作方需签署合法有效的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位,各个设计阶段中各方的分工划分方式和设计费用的分摊比例、分配方式等。

6. 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。

1. Applicants must be domestic or overseas entities with legal business registration.

2. Applicant (at least one member from consortium) is required for class-A qualification/certificate in Chinese architecture design and construction industry (Construction Engineering) to ensure that the design meet requirements of relevant domestic building codes, regulations and fulfill administrative approvals.

3. Project leader, or at least one chief designer, is required to be Grade One registered architect in China.

4. Consortium is permitted. One consortium shall include no more than 2 members (including the leading member). Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or participate by joining another consortium.

5. The consortium members shall sign the Consortium Agreement legally and specify the leading member, as well as work distribution in each design stage and their share of rights and interests.

6. Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.





The official announcement of this tender will be issued soon. We welcome all design teams to pre-register for bidding intention. If interested, please scan the QR code or visit the link to fill out pre-registration information. Once the formal announcement is released, we will also send e-mails to all pre-registered teams.

All Pre-registration information shall be subject to the Tender Announcement Section of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Website.


Special Prompts


Pre-Registration is NOT official bidding application. The formal announcement will be published on Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service Network: http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/jyxx/zbgg/. According to the management requirements of the follow-up procedures of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service System, it is recommended that the bidders firstly learn the relevant bidding processes and register online enterprise information in advance.


Tenderee and Co-Organizer

招标方 Tenderee:


Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality

招标协助方Co-organizer :


Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.

咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email:




Shenzhen, as a world-renowned “creative capital”, has an increasing demand for high-end design and creative capacity. To enhance cultural brand awareness in the city, Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation (SIDI) is now planning to be built as New Top 10 Cultural Facilities in Shenzhen, it would become the important cultural brand in this region.


Project Positioning


This project aims to build an international, high-level, innovative design institute that focuses on practice. It is expected to become a platform for international design talents and meet the urgent need of talents in the city of Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. With this institute, design leaders will be attracted to teach and innovate the  cultivation of talent. SIDI is the talent training base for creative industry, design transformation base for innovation and creativity and high-end think tank for creative industry development in the Greater Bay Area.


Driven by design, creativity, innovation and internationalization, SIDI will become an intelligent, creative and green campus powered by technology. Upon completion, it will be a world leading practice-oriented and interdisciplinary design institute enhancing creative industry in the Greater Bay Area.


Project Overview

1. 项目区位 Project Location项目地块位于深圳市宝安区重点发展区域“大空港地区”,距宝安国际机场3.5公里,距平安金融中心25公里。所处宝安教育城,是宝安区教育重镇,教育城目前已有东方英文书院、宝安第一外国语学校、深圳宝安职业技术学校等多所学校,项目地块北侧为深职院拟建地。

The plot is located at the Greater Airport area in Bao’an District,Shenzhen City ,3.5 kilometers away from Bao'an International Airport, 25 kilometers away from Pingan Financial Center. To the north, Shenzhen Polytechnic is planning to build a new campus. Nearby, Bao’an No.1 Foreign Language School, Shenzhen Oriental English College, Bao’an Vocational Educational Technical School, and other schools have already been established  here.

2. 项目要求 Project Requirements设计学院用地面积约365000平方米,总建筑面积319252平方米,其中地上建筑面积280240平方米,地下建筑面积25000平方米,架空层、连廊建筑面积为14012平方米。


The land area of the institute is about 365000 square meters,the total construction area is 319,252 square meters, of which, the construction area on the ground is 280,240 square meters, the construction area on the underground is 25,000 square meters, and the construction area of overhead floors and corridors is 14,012 square meters.

The total investment of the project is estimated to be RMB 3 billion, including RMB 2.65 billion for the project cost.


There isa building height restriction at 100m around Bao’an International Airport. The west side of the site increases from the lowest height of 15.46m to the east, and the highest height is 128.4 m. 

3. 学科设置 Discipline Setting
本科专业 For Undergraduate

Industrial design : focus on product design, environmental facilities design, visual communication design, digital design, exhibition and display design and other directions to carry out research and training talents.


Fashion design: to train high-end fashion innovative design talents with advanced design ideas, creative thinking and artistic expression, help enterprises build brands, enhance brand value, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.


Media art and science and technology : in cutting-edge areas like online games, public space display, user experience, animation production, interactive interface design, advertising design, entertainment performance, digital media development, digital library, etc., to carry out frontier research, and training compound design talents.


Urban and indoor environmental design: to train high-level professionals of urban and interior design with modern design ideas and thinking, imagination and creativity, as well as artistic competence.


Human-computer interaction design : to cultivate students' ability to develop certain interactive means or specific products through various means such as programs, software and hardware, products and services.

研究生专业:For Postgraduate

Design strategy and management : to create strategic management courses that belong to design enterprises, and train excellent design strategy and management entrepreneurs with leadership.


Tender Scope

1.招标范围 Tender Scope

The international tender for schematic design and design development (architecture) of Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation.

2.招标方式 Tender method

公开招标 Open tender


Tenderee And Service

招标人 Tenderee深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau Of Public Works Of Shenzhen Municipality
服务协助方 Service深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心ATUchina
咨询邮箱 Emailguanzhusz@atuchina.com
咨询电话 Hotline


Monday - Friday (UCT+8) 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00

纪工/Mr Ji: +86-0755-86250922

微信/Wechat: 17665311200


Tender Announcement


The tendering plan will be officially announced in the following weeks. The specific bidding content and tendering schedule are subject to the official tender announcement.

2.招标公告发布平台:深圳建设工程交易服务网。Tender announcement release planform: http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/

Intended participants are also encouraged to start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/; Each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.




The announcement of the tender will be released soon. Local and international design teams are welcome to make a pre-registration with us. Interested parties may scan the QR code or click  "Read more" to fill in the pre-registration information, and we will send a notice to you once the announcement is released.


The Tenderee reserves the right for the interpretation of the Tender Document, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.








