

石佳筠及Othmane 香港国际仲裁中心HKIAC 2021-09-18



After a party initiates an arbitration, it may take several weeks for the parties or the arbitral institution to constitute the arbitral tribunal. During this period, the parties may have no or limited prospects of obtaining interim relief to, for example, preserve assets or maintain the status quo.This is particularly true in jurisdictions where the legal system does not recognize interim relief in support of arbitration.


What is HKIAC’s Emergency Arbitrator Procedure?


Introduced in the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules (the “2013 Rules”), HKIAC’s Emergency Arbitrator Procedure is a mechanism which enables parties to an arbitration to seek interim relief in an emergency situation prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal.


In order to enhance the benefits of the Emergency Arbitration Procedure to parties who require interim relief, HKIAC refined the Emergency Arbitrator Procedure in the 2018 Administered Arbitration Rules (the “2018 Rules”).


It is important to note that HKIAC’s Emergency Arbitrator Procedure is an avenue the parties may seek to pursue in addition to seeking relief from the courts. In other words, agreeing to arbitration administered by HKIAC does not mean the parties have agreed not to seek interim relief from the courts.


Process under the 2013 Rules


Under the 2013 Rules, a party may file an application for the appointment of an Emergency Arbitrator any time after filing the Notice of Arbitration provided that the arbitral tribunal has not yet been constituted. A party may also file an application for the appointment of an Emergency Arbitrator together with its Notice of Arbitration.


If HKIAC accepts the case, it will strive to appoint an Emergency Arbitrator within 48 hours of having received the Application and the Application Deposit (i.e., HK$250,000). The Emergency Arbitrator will then generally have 15 days to render his or her decision.


Under the 2013 Rules, the Emergency Arbitrator will be paid on the basis of an hourly rate. The Emergency Arbitrator’s hourly rate may not exceed a cap set by HKIAC but there is no cap in respect of the Emergency Arbitrator’s total fees. At the time of writing, the maximum hourly rate set by HKIAC is HK$6,500.


Process under the 2018 Rules


Under the 2018 Rules, the time limits have all been shortened. HKIAC will strive to appoint an Emergency Arbitrator within 24 hours of receiving the Application and the Application Deposit, and the Emergency Arbitrator will generally have only 14 days to render his or her decision.


HKIAC has also introduced a maximum cap for the Emergency Arbitrator’s total fees in its new rules. Under the 2018 Rules, the total fees of anemergency arbitrator are subject to a maximum amount unless the parties agree or HKIAC determines otherwise in exceptional circumstance. Currently, the maximum amount set by HKIAC is HK$200,000. The cap in respect of the Emergency Arbitrator’s hourly rate also remains in place.


Finally, under the 2018 Rules, a party may also submit its application for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator before the commencementof an arbitration, provided that a (i) the contract is entered into after 1 November 2018 and (ii) Notice of Arbitration is submitted to HKIAC within seven days, unless the parties agree otherwise.


Enforceability of Emergency Decision


Hong Kong’s Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609) expressly provides that an emergency arbitrator’s decision, whether granted inside or outside Hong Kong, is enforceable in the same manner as an order or direction of the Hong Kongcourts.


Relationship between the Emergency Arbitratorand the Arbitral Tribunal


The Emergency Arbitrator will remain in place until the arbitral tribunal is constituted but will not be a member of the Arbitral Tibunal, unless the parties agree otherwise.


The Arbitral Tribunal is not bound by the decision of the Emergency Arbitrator. Moreover, the Emergency Arbitrator’s decision will generally cease to be binding if the tribunal is not constituted within ninety days from the date of the emergency decision.




HKIAC’s Emergency Arbitrator Procedure is a useful tool when a party is seeking interim relief but cannot look to the courts for interim relief.


Since 2013, HKIAC has handled 12 Emergency Arbitrator Procedure applications. According to the statistic report published on HKIAC website (http://www.hkiac.org/content/costs-duration), the median duration for the Emergency Arbitration is 14 days and the median cost of Emergency Arbitration is approximately US$ 43,717.



Author: Michelle Shi and Othmane Benlafkih (Deputy Counsels of HKIAC) /
8 November 2018 

作者: 石佳筠及Othmane Benlafkih (香港国际仲裁中心副法律顾问) /
201811 8


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