



当事人地区分布:来自56个国家或地区的当事人于2019年参与了HKIAC仲裁。这些当事人中排名前 10 的国家或地区为(按案件数量排列):

1. 香港
2. 中国内地
3. 英属维尔京群岛
4. 美国
5. 开曼群岛
6. 新加坡
7. 韩国
8. 英国
9. 瑞士
10. 澳门


    • 国际货易/货物销售 (34.3%)

    • 公司        (17%)

    • 建筑工程  (14.8%)

    • 海事        (14.4%)

    • 银行及金融服务   (10.5%)

    • 专业服务  (2.9%)

    • 保险        (2.5%)

    • 知识产权  (2.5%)

    • 雇佣劳动  (0.4%)

    • 能源        (0.4%)
    • 香港法
    • 英国法
    • 中国法

    • 美国纽约州法

    • 蒙古法

    • 韩国法

    • 菲律宾法

    • 瑞士法

    • 澳门法

    • 俄罗斯法

    • 老挝法

    • 国际货物销售合同公约




    • 独任仲裁员 - 69.7% (85)

    • 边裁 - 20.5% (25)

    • 首席仲裁员 - 9.8% (12)


    • HKIAC机构仲裁规则 - 54.9% (67)

    • UNCITRAL仲裁规则(由HKIAC管理) - 15.6% (19)

    • 临时仲裁 - 29.5% (36)


    • 英国 - 29.5% (36)

    • 香港 - 27.9% (34)

    • 澳大利亚 - 8.2% (10)

    • 中国内地 - 7.4% (9)

    • 双重国籍 - 7.4% (9)

    • 新加坡 - 6.6% (8)

    • 加拿大 - 4.1% (5)

    • 马来西亚 - 3.3% (4)

    • 新西兰 - 1.6% (2)

    • 美国 - 1.6% (2)

    • 法国 - 1 (0.8%)

    • 冰岛 - 1 (0.8%)

    • 瑞典 - 1 (0.8%)


    • 英国 - 24.1% (33)

    • 香港 - 23.4% (32)

    • 双重国籍 - 13.1% (18)

    • 中国内地 - 8.8% (12)

    • 美国 - 7.3% (10)

    • 澳大利亚 - 4.4% (6)

    • 加拿大 - 4.4% (6)

    • 新加坡 - 4.4% (6)

    • 韩国 - 2.9% (4)

    • 奥地利 - 2.2% (3)

    • 法国 - 2.2% (3)

    • 马来西亚 - 1.4% (2)

    • 新西兰 - 0.7% (1)

    • 瑞士 - 0.7% (1) 

在2019年HKIAC所作的122项指定中,25项(20.5%)为女性仲裁员,49项(40.2%) 为HKIAC过去三年中未指定过的仲裁员。在2019年由HKIAC确认的由当事人作出的96项任命中,15项(15.6%)为女性仲裁员,40项(41.7%)为过去三年中未被当事人提名且被HKIAC确认的仲裁员。在2019年HKIAC确认的由边裁作出的41项提名中,9项(21.9%)为女性仲裁员,23项(56.1%)为过去三年中未被边裁提名且被HKIAC确认的仲裁员。



HKIAC is pleased to release the following case statistics for 2019: 

Total new cases: A total of 503 cases were submitted to HKIAC in 2019. Of those cases, 308 were arbitrations, 12 were mediations, 182 were domain name disputes and one was adjudication.

Overall arbitration cases: Of the 308 arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019, 173 were administered by HKIAC under rules including the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the HKIAC Electronic Transaction Arbitration Rules.

International arbitrations: 80.9% of all arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019 were international in nature, i.e. at least one party was not from Hong Kong (92.5% of the administered arbitrations commenced in 2019 were international cases). 35% of all arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019 involved no Hong Kong parties and 3.6% involved no Asian parties.

Amount in dispute: The total amount in dispute in all arbitration cases was HK$36.4 billion (approximately US$4.7 billion). The total amount in dispute in all administered cases was HK$26.7 billion (approximately US$3.4 billion). The average amount in dispute in administered arbitrations was HK$154.4 million (approximately US$19.9 million).

Geographical origin or nationality of parties: Parties from 56 jurisdictions participated in the arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019. The top ten geographical origins or nationalities of these parties were:

1.  Hong Kong
2.  Mainland China
3.  British Virgin Islands
4.  United States
5.  Cayman Islands
6.  Singapore
7.  South Korea
8.  United Kingdom
9.  Switzerland
10. Macau 

Types of disputes:  In 2019, HKIAC registered cases concerning the following types of disputes or arising from the following sectors: 
    • International trade / sale of goods (34.3%)
    • Corporate (17%)

    • Construction (14.8%)

    • Maritime (14.4%)

    • Banking and financial services (10.5%)

    • Professional Services (2.9%)

    • Insurance (2.5%)

    • Intellectual Property (2.5%)

    • Employment (0.4%)

    • Energy (0.4%)

Seat of arbitration: All arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019 were seated in Hong Kong.
Governing law: 11 different governing laws were applicable to the disputes submitted to HKIAC in 2019, with Hong Kong law as the most commonly selected governing law, followed by English law and Chinese law. A breakdown of all governing laws is provided below:
    • Hong Kong law
    • English law

    • Chinese law

    • New York law

    • Mongolian law

    • Korean law

    • Philippine law

    • Swiss law

    • macau law

    • Russian law

    • Laotian law

    • CISG

Language of arbitration: 80.3% of the administered arbitrations commenced in 2019 were conducted in English. 14.5% were in Chinese and 5.2% were in both English and Chinese.

Arbitrator appointments and confirmations: In 2019, HKIAC made a total of 122 arbitrator appointments. Those appointments are broken down below by number of appointments and percentage:

Role of Arbitrator
  • Sole Arbitrator - 69.7% (85)
  • Co-Arbitrator - 20.5% (25)

  • Presiding Arbitrator - 9.8% (12)

Applicable Rules

  • HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules - 54.9% (67)
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (administered by HKIAC) - 15.6% (19)

  • Ad Hoc - 29.5% (36)
In 2019, HKIAC confirmed a total of 137 designations of arbitrators under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules. Of the 137 designations, 96 were made by parties and 41 were made by co-arbitrators. 

The geographical origins or nationalities of all arbitrators appointed by HKIAC in 2019 by number of cases and percentage are listed below:

  • United Kingdom - 29.5% (36)

  • Hong Kong - 27.9% (34)

  • Australia - 8.2% (10)

  • Mainland China - 7.4% (9)

  • Dual Nationals - 7.4% (9)

  • Singapore - 6.6% (8)

  • Canada - 4.1% (5)

  • Malaysia - 3.3% (4)

  • New Zealand - 1.6% (2)

  • United States - 1.6% (2)

  • France - 1 (0.8%) 

  • Ireland - 1 (0.8%)

  • Sweden - 1 (0.8%)

The geographical origins or nationalities of all arbitrators designated by parties or co-arbitrators and confirmed by HKIAC in 2019 by number of cases and percentage are listed below:

  • United Kingdom - 24.1% (33)

  • Hong Kong - 23.4% (32)

  • Dual Nationals - 13.1% (18)

  • Mainland China - 8.8% (12)

  • United States - 7.3% (10)

  • Australia - 4.4% (6)

  • Canada - 4.4% (6)

  • Singapore - 4.4% (6)

  • South Korea - 2.9% (4)

  • Austria - 2.2% (3)

  • France - 2.2% (3)

  • Malaysia - 1.4% (2)

  • New Zealand - 0.7% (1)

  • Switzerland - 0.7% (1)

Of the 122 appointments made by HKIAC in 2019, 25 (20.5%) were of female arbitrators and 49 (40.2%) were of arbitrators not previously appointed by HKIAC over the last three years.

Of the 96 designations made by parties and confirmed by HKIAC in 2019, 15 (15.6%) were of female arbitrators and 40 (41.7%) were of arbitrators not previously designated by parties and confirmed by HKIAC over the last three years.

Of the 41 designations made by co-arbitrators and confirmed by HKIAC in 2019, 9 (21.9%) were of female arbitrators and 23 (56.1%) were of arbitrators not previously designated by co-arbitrators and confirmed by HKIAC over the last three years.

Challenges to arbitrators: Three challenges to arbitrators were submitted to HKIAC in 2019. All challenges were rejected.  One challenge was made on the basis of the challenged arbitrator's alleged failure to disclose his alleged professional connections with a party's counsel as well as his and the counsel's active participation in arbitration events and business. The other two challenges were identical and made based on circumstances including the challenged arbitrator's participation in certain seminars, his professional relationship with a party's two barristers, and the manner in which he provided information in relation to those circumstances.    
Multi-party or multi-contract arbitration: The 308 arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019 involved a total of 718 parties and over 450 contracts. Of the 308 arbitrations, 93 involved multiple parties or contracts. In 14 of those cases, a single arbitration was commenced under multiple contracts. HKIAC received four requests for consolidation. Three were granted and one was rejected. HKIAC received four requests for the joinder of additional parties, all of which were granted.
Applications under the Hong Kong-Mainland China arrangement on interim measures (“Arrangement”): In 2019, HKIAC processed 13 applications made to ten different Mainland Chinese courts under the Arrangement seeking to preserve evidence or assets worth a total of RMB 5.5 billion (approximately US$798 million) in Mainland China. In 2019, the Mainland Chinese courts issued orders in respect of RMB 1.7 billion (approximately US$244 million) worth of assets. Approximately 40% of the applications were made by parties from Mainland China and 60% by parties from Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, Samoa and the British Virgin Islands. Approximately 60% of the applications concerned assets or evidence possessed by parties from Mainland China and 40% concerned assets owned by parties from Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands.
Emergency arbitrator applications: No emergency arbitrator applications were submitted to HKIAC in 2019. The total number of emergency arbitrator applications filed with HKIAC to date is 13.
Expedited procedure: 21 applications for the expedited procedure were submitted to HKIAC in 2019. 16 were granted and five were rejected.
Third party funding: There was no disclosure of third party funding in the administered arbitrations submitted to HKIAC in 2019.
Tribunal secretary service: In 2019, HKIAC legal counsel were appointed as tribunal secretary in 12 arbitrations. Eight of those arbitrations were administered by HKIAC under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules, three were administered by HKIAC under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, and one was an ad hoc arbitration.
Concluded arbitrations: In 2019, 48 arbitrations administered by HKIAC were concluded by Final Award. Seven arbitrations administered by HKIAC were concluded by party settlement which resulted in the issuance of a Consent Award.
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