
视频合辑 | “HKIAC中国仲裁洞察”系列研讨会

为向国际仲裁界同步中国内地仲裁新进展,香港国际仲裁中心(下称“HKIAC”)于 2021年 4 月至 7 月面向全球听众开设“HKIAC中国仲裁洞察(HKIAC Chinese Arbitration Insights)”系列研讨会,日前圆满结束。
四场研讨会话题包括(1)中国法下涉外因素判断;(2)境外仲裁机构在中国仲裁;(3)中国内地与国际投资仲裁;以及(4)如何在内地法院获得仲裁保全与裁决执行。本系列研讨会使用英文进行,由HKIAC秘书长Sarah Grimmer女士与HKIAC副秘书长杨玲博士参与主持。

Sarah Grimmer,




Session 1: Foreign-related elements and governing law under Chinese Laws

Key points include:

  • What does foreign-related mean in Mainland and why does it matter to international businesses?
  • How have recent developments affected the criteria that are applied to establish foreign-related elements?
  • What choices do you have in terms of the governing law of contract and the law of the arbitration agreement?
  • Parallel proceedings: international arbitration and PRC court decisions on the validity of the arbitration agreement

Helen Shi,Partner at Fangda PartnersMay Tai, Managing Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills

Session 2 : The seat of arbitration and foreign arbitration institutions administering arbitrations in Mainland

Key points include:

  • The direction of the PRC court: Dasung and Brentwood case
  • The PRC government approach: The policies in Shanghai(Lin-Gang), Beijing and Hainan
  • What still needs to be clarified and how to achieve more certainty
  • What users should take into account when referring arbitration to a foreign arbitration institution in Mainland

Jingzhou Tao, Arbitration ChambersJern-Fei Ng QC, 7BR Barristers Chambers

Session 3: Mainland and investment arbitration

Key points include:

  • The evolution of Chinese participation in investment arbitration

  • The PRC Government’s perspective on investment arbitration reform and its involvement in international instruments relevant to investment, i.e., RCEP, CAI, Australia-China Free Trade Agreement

  • The experience of Chinese investors and the Chinese State in investment arbitration

  • HKIAC’s experience in investor-state arbitration   

Lijun Cao, Equity Partner at Zhong Lun Law FirmEmmanuel Jacomy, Partner at Shearman & Sterling

Session 4: Obtaining interim measures and enforcement of awards in Mainland

Key points include:

  • Applying for interim measures and enforcing foreign awards in Mainland: When and how?
  • The considerations the PRC judiciary takes into account when granting interim measures and handling applications for enforcement
  • Updates on the implementation of the 2019 Hong Kong-Mainland Interim Measures Arrangement and the 2020 Supplemental Hong Kong-Mainland Arrangement on the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
  • HKIAC’s latest statistics under the 2019 Hong Kong-Mainland Interim Measures Arrangement

Meg Utterback, Partner at King & Wood MallesonsDr. Kai Xiao, Vice President of Shanghai Financial Court

*We welcome your input on our next Chinese Arbitration Insights webinar series.If you have any particular topics on Chinese arbitration you are interested in hearing more about or in receiving slides, please email the HKIAC Events Team aevents@hkiac.org


