
美哉,美哉的中国行!美国健美冠军Robert Cheeke 的北京游记

2017-07-14 21天健康饮食


As I return home, following the opportunity of a lifetime, I figured now, in the air above the mighty oceans below, would be an appropriate time to reflect upon perhaps the most unique experience of my life. I am flying over what feels like half the globe today, as I return home from Beijing, China, where I spent the past five days in front of more cameras than I could count, as a keynote speaker at China’s premiere fitness expo, ChinaFit. I’ll be going back in time today, literally, nearly a full day, en route to my home in Phoenix, Arizona, and I have many more hours seated in a chair in the sky between now and when I will see my family. This is a great time to think, reminisce, ponder, reflect, and to write. Thank you for joining me, as we take a look back at China through my lenses.

飞越在波澜壮阔的太平洋上空,我踏上了将横跨半个地球的航班,估计要在飞机上待上一整天才能回到我在美国亚利桑纳州凤凰城的家乡。在北京我度过了人生一次非常特殊的经历后,现在是时候让我来思考、回顾、和记录下这匆匆的5天是多么的精彩和难忘!作为此次ChinaFit 春季健身及营养蔬食大会的特邀主讲嘉宾,我不但时常发现被数不清的照相机(含手机)包围着,也体验了很多美妙和新奇的食物、认识了很多非常棒的人... 感谢你们的参与,那么请随我的镜头回顾在中国发生的事情吧。


On one hand, it is hard to describe the feelings I experienced over the past few days, and on the other hand, simple words such as “amazing” and “unforgettable” are on the tip of my tongue. Though I have an insatiable thirs for travel, I never really imagined that one day I would be visiting China, or that I would be there to promote and represent the vegan fitness lifestyle at an event that attracted 35,000 people. So how did I, once a skinny farm kid from western Oregon, turned champion vegan bodybuilder, end up being one of the faces of the largest fitness conventions and expositions in mainland China?

一方面,很难描述我在过去几天所经历的感受,另一方面,“惊艳”和“难忘”这样简单的词却总是挂在我的嘴边。虽然我对旅行有着难以满足的渴望,但我从未想过有一天我会到中国旅游,或者我会去那参加一个推广和代表纯素主义生活方式的活动, 吸引了35 ,000人。作为一个在俄勒冈州西部的农场长大的瘦弱孩子,如何成为素食健美运动员的冠军,最终成为中国最大的健身大会和博览会的嘉宾之一?

I don’t know if that is an easy answer either, one I am tempted to say was decades in the making, honoring the body of work that has encapsulated my career, but the easy answer is that I was invited and it fit in my schedule. It was with great honor and pride that I accepted the invitation, but with just as much anxiety, uncertainty, and unpredictability. The mental wrestling match I have endured internally, questioning whether I am the right person, or the best person, or even an adequate person to assume the role of a vegan fitness representative from the West was something I quarreled with for months. Having been retired from the competitive bodybuilding lifestyle for years, and admittedly feeling less relevant, perhaps less effective as a public representative of the vegan bodybuilding or even vegan fitness lifestyle, I wondered if my acceptance of this invitation was a step backwards for the movement.

我不知道这是否是一个简单的答案, 但我想说的是,几十年来,我一直在为自己的事业努力付出。所以简单的回答是,当我被邀请时,我的时间表时恰好可以允许我前往中国。我怀着巨大的荣誉和自豪接受了邀请, 但同样也充满了焦虑、不确定性和不可预测性。我内心的挣扎、思想的斗争、质疑我是否是合适的人选、或是最好的人选、或是一个可以代表西方纯素健身运动的一个代表角色?这是我几个月来一直纠结的事情。我已经从竞技性的健美比赛中退休多年,而作为一个普通的纯素运动员,我是否可以代表整个行业和许多比我健壮、专业的人士来参与这么一个盛会,这是否会是一个丢脸的决定呢?


I shared some of my concerns with my fiancée, Karen, and with my best friend, training partner, and co-author, Vanessa Espinoza. They both assured me that I am worthy, that I am qualified as much as anyone in the movement, and that I have been doing this for a long time, and that I would be fine. I also gave myself some pep talks, those face-to-face in the mirror, incredibly honest and exposed internal dialogues of critiques and reassurance all at the same time. It was with some palpable remaining trepidation that I pulled my bootstraps up and assumed the role of a global vegan bodybuilding ambassador, ready for a massive opportunity.

我将我的担忧与我的未婚妻凯伦,以及我最好的朋友、培训伙伴和合著作者凡妮莎·埃斯皮诺萨分享了。他们坚信我是值得的,在这项运动中我拥有与其他人一样的资格,而且我做这个已经很长时间,我会表现很好的。面对镜子,我讲给自己一些鼓励的话, 虽然是难以置信的诚实、但内心仍有批判性的自我对话、同时混合着安慰。伴随着一些明显的恐惧, 我振作了我的精神, 并决定承担了全球素食主义健美大使的角色, 迎接这个巨大的机会。


While I continued to rehabilitate torn discs in my lower back from sports injuries, yet carefully trained in the gym to make forward progress, I wondered if I would be enough by the time the plane touched down in China. All the while, I had been on tour for seven consecutive weekends, now eight, and have been putting the finishing touches on my latest book, Plant-Based Muscle, due out in a matter of weeks. It was a little too much to take in at times, but I persisted and enjoyed the trip of a lifetime.

当我继续修复由于运动导致我腰椎间盘被撕裂的损伤,小心翼翼地训练以取得进步,我想知道当飞机在中国着陆的时候我是否已经准备好了。一直以来,我已经连续七个周末, 穿梭在美国各州进行巡讲,现在第八个周末, 同时我在整理我的最新的书《植物性肌肉》,这将会在几个星期内出炉。有时候会有太多的事情要做,但我坚持了下来,享受了这个意义重大的人生旅程。


I just looked up at the top of my computer screen, and though I have been traveling for the past eight hours since I left my hotel room, and have far more than eight hours still to go, it is currently 4:21AM back at home, as my laptop just informed me. Perhaps I should take a nap and ease into a new schedule, as others seem to be doing around me – now as the lights are off on the plane and movies are being played by nearly every individual I can see from my vantage point. I’m a little more than cramped, as the woman in front of me has her seat fully reclined, and I am typing in such a manner that would make a mother T-Rex proud of her typewriter-literate child if she had one. I’m also already in my third shirt of the day due to profuse sweating from the humidity of the Chinese summer. Alas, my mind is going astray, and I have more experiences to share.

我抬头看了我的电脑屏幕的顶端, 虽然我离开酒店房间已经有八个小时了, 但还有八个多小时的时间要飞,正如我的笔记本电脑显示的,现在是亚利桑纳早上的4:21。也许我应该在转换时区的时候小睡一会。 现在,在飞机上的顶灯熄灭了,所有人都在休息或在播放电影,我可以从我的眼角看见身边的旅客正在看电影。坐在我前面的女人, 她的座位完全放倒,让我显得有点拥挤, 我打字的方式非常别扭,就像恐龙一样趴在电脑前面。今天我已经换了第三件T恤, 由于中国夏天潮湿,出了大量的汗。唉, 我的心迷失了方向,我有更多的经验分享。


Grateful is the word I have used most often when discussing my experiences in China with my new friends while using China’s most famous app, WeChat. Honored is the next most frequently used word, and an overall feeling of appreciation sums up how I feel emotionally.

在与我的新朋友在微信上讨论我在中国的经历时,感激是我最想使用的一个单词,荣誉感是下一个词, 总的来说用感激之情总结了我的感受。


Arriving in China



When I arrived in China, I was enthusiastically greeted by my hosts, and we immediately went out to one of Beijing’s many all vegan restaurants – in this case, Veg Tiger, which is a chain of seven locations around the city. I was exhausted from my 25-hour trip, which started in Phoenix with a stop in Seattle before landing in Beijing, and I struggled to be my usual enthusiastic self. After a massive meal of all sorts of traditional Chinese dishes, and some foods I had never seen or heard of before, we headed to my hotel so I could get settled in for the night. The plan was to visit the Great Wall the next day, but that would mean I needed to be ready by 6AM, and that clearly wasn’t happening. Since I was there to work, and made that my absolute priority, I sadly canceled the plans to go to the Great Wall when we finished dinner at 9PM local time, in order to be as well rested and prepared for my presentations as I could be. 

当我到达中国时,我的东道主热情的接待了我, 我们立即去了北京拥有多家素食餐馆的素虎,它在北京有七家连锁店。我在经历了25个小时的旅行中累坏了,飞行从凤凰城开始,在西雅图降落转机,然后在北京着陆,我努力成为那个总是热情洋溢的自我。在大量的中国传统菜肴和一些以前从未见过或听说过的食物之后,我立刻前往酒店,以便能在晚上安顿下来。我们的计划是在第二天参观长城,但这意味着我需要早上6点起床, 这显然不现实。由于我是来中国工作的,所以工作的要求绝对优先,我遗憾地取消了去长城的计划, 为了保证足够的休息和演讲。


As it turned out, the next morning I accidentally woke up shortly after 6AM, and perhaps could have still had a day at The Wall, but I opted to slowly wake myself up, hit the gym at 8AM with my hosts, and take a tour of the city. The tour included a stop at the Summer Palace, which was stunning, a stop by another vegan restaurant, and a trip to Tiananmen Square before heading to a group dinner at a vegan restaurant called Vegan Hut, owned by Dr. Yu, a man I had met multiple times in the US over the years. I gave a mini presentation and enjoyed a whole-food, plant-based dinner with about 20 others. After another long day and late night, still adjusting from the jet lag, it was time to head back to the hotel and prepare for a full day of presentations.

结果是, 第二天早上在早上6点后醒来,也许还可以去长城呆一天, 但我选择慢慢唤醒自己,早上8点去健身房,并参观这座城市。首先是去了颐和园,它非常漂亮。之后我们去了另一个素食餐厅,并在天安门广场游玩,然后前往一个名为维根蔬谷(VeganHut)的素食餐厅, 是一名素食博士开的素食餐厅,也是一个我在美国遇到了多次的人。我们一起做了一个大概有20人参与的迷你的分享,享受了一顿全食物纯植物的晚餐。在经过了漫长的一天,深夜中仍然在调整时差,现在是回到酒店, 准备下一整天的演讲的时候了。


The ChinaFit Expo

ChinaFit 健身及健康大会

True to form, I hit the gym in the morning with my new friends and hosts of my China trip, Robin and Peter, and then headed over to the ChinaFit Expo.When I arrived at the National Convention Center in Olympic Park, home of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I was taken aback when I saw banners of myself throughout the building and when I realized my image took up the entire page on the cover of the official event program. My stomach reacted with even higher levels of anxiety and expectation.

一大早上我和我的新朋友,以及我的中国旅行的联络人Robin和彼得一起去了酒店健身房, 然后前往ChinaFit大会。当我到达举办2008年北京奥运会的北京奥林匹克公园国家会议中心时,我看到了整个大楼的背景板:我的图像在官方活动计划的封面上占据了很大一块页面时, 我心跳不已,心中有了更大的焦虑和期望。



In a weird way it was like fulfilling a bodybuilding dream while in the land of humility and honor, and I wasn’t even sure how to feel, but I took lots of photos to soak it all in nonetheless. Though I planned to be a keynote speaker, I didn’t necessarily anticipate the scale and magnitude of the event. I was invited on stage during the Opening Ceremony and then immediately taken to another main stage to join industry leaders in front of TV cameras and take part in a panel for an hour with help from my translator, Robin, who was also the person who had invited me to ChinaFit from the onset. Then I was back to another stage to give my first keynote presentation. I think lunch followed, but I don’t really recall. Even lunch was a blur. 

虽然有点陌生和奇特,但就像马上要投入一场盛大的健美锦标赛一样,我有点手足无措, 于是我随意拍了很多照片,让我暂时分散注意力并让我忙碌起来。虽然我计划做一名演讲嘉宾, 但我不一定预见到事件的规模。我被邀请上健康大会的开幕仪式, 随后立即进入另一个由健美行业领导参与的沙龙论坛, 在翻译员Robin的帮助下我从容应对,Robin是一开始接触我并邀请我来北京的朋友。然后,我回到蔬食论坛的主舞台,开始我的第一个主旨演讲。我模糊记得我们紧接着吃午餐,但午餐是什么我现在想起是模糊的。



Then I thought I was doing a fitness demonstration on stage, guiding people through a sample workout, but it turns out I was guest posing during a bodybuilding competition. Gulp. I didn’t even have time to warm-up or pump up, and I was wearing a tank top and shorts, prepared to teach a short course. I kept the tank top on as I hit a number of poses after introducing myself to the large audience of hundreds of people viewing and photographing the bodybuilding competition. That was awkward since I was perhaps the least ripped person on the stage, but I carried more muscle mass and size than most, due to my height and weight in relation to the competitors, and I flexed as hard as I could. Hopefully, people seeing the display after hearing that I have not consumed any animal products for more than 20 years will think of vegans a bit differently, but I’m not sure. I smiled a lot and was gracious and genuine while being thrust into a performance that was more than slightly different from what I was expecting. I gave it what I had, and I hope it was enough. 

之后的互动我本以是在舞台上做健身示范, 带领人们做一些训练, 但结果是我发现是去参加突然空降到了一个正在热烈进行的健美比赛期中。我的天,我甚至没有时间去做些热身或让我的肌肉充血, 我穿着一个健身背心和短裤, 登上了有数百人观看和拍摄的健美比赛的舞台,介绍自己,然后用健美者的方式展示肌肉... 这有点尴尬, 因为可能我是舞台上脂肪比例最高的人, 但由于我的高度和重量,我的肌肉量和尺寸却比大多数参赛者多, 我尽可能的展示我的肌肉。希望大家看到一个在20多年里没有消费任何动物产品的素食健身者是有点不同的, 虽然我不确定。我尽量保持亲切和真诚的微笑, 虽然我没有准备充分,而且这场面比我想象的大。我尽力了,我希望我做的足够好。


So now I had a little down time before the charity dinner, so I made the short 10-minute walk back to the hotel, sat down for an hour, showered and got dressed for what was another long, but enjoyable evening. The ChinaFit organization hosted a dinner for about 500 attendees, with 100% vegan catering, and even hosted a live auction of fitness equipment, art, and other items to raise money for compassionate causes, from supporting animals to helping children in need and elderly citizens, spreading out the RMB500,000.00 raised among a number of noble charities. That was empowering to see, and a stark contrast from many of the mainstream fitness organizations I am used to from the West. China’s largest fitness exposition organization was directly raising money for vegan outreach, and it was amazing.

在慈善晚宴之前,我有一小段空档时间, 所以我花了10分钟步行回酒店, 小憩了一个小时, 洗了一个澡然后前往会场参与了另一个漫长的充满意义的聚会。Chinafit 组织了大概有500名与会者的慈善晚餐, 100%的出素食菜单,甚至举办了一次健身设备、艺术和其他项目的现场拍卖,以筹集资金以支持动物、帮助需要照顾的留守儿童和空巢老人。与会者们热情澎湃,募集共50多万元人民币。这跟我在西方看到的很多健身机构不同,中国最大的健身博览会机构直接组织以纯素主义者的名义筹集资金, 做慈善的事业,这令人惊讶和赞叹!


Day two of the ChinaFit Expo brought just as much excitement and energy as the first day. Following another morning workout at the hotel gym, I had an interview with a mainstream Chinese fitness magazine, one probably equivalent to Muscle & Fitness in the US. Once the interview was completed, the camera crew kept following me around. I then realized I was going back on stage for another guest posing routine on an even bigger stage with a larger audience; something I had anticipated, but thought it was in the afternoon, not early in the morning. So I pumped up with an elastic band handed to me by Robin, while we took escalators up to the fourth floor of the five-floor fitness expo. It still felt awkward and I still felt a bit inadequate, based on my current shape and what message I was hoping to convey about the vegan fitness lifestyle, but at least I knew what to expect.

第二天, Chinafit 继续大会带来了第一天的兴奋和活力。在酒店健身房进行了一系列晨练之后, 我接受了中国主流健身杂志《健与美》的采访, 他们可能相当于美国的《肌肉和健身》杂志。采访完成后,摄制组跟着我。然后,我意识到我将会回到主舞台,作为嘉宾再一次在大的健美比赛的舞台上、面对更多的观众合影做肌肉展示。这是我预料到的事,但我不知为什么以为是在下午,而不是上午的时间。因此,在我们匆匆走上扶梯时,罗宾递给我的一个橡筋带,我马上开始拉筋和试着让肌肉充血紧绷。我仍然感到尴尬, 觉得基于我目前的形状和我希望传达和代表素食主义的生活方式有点不足, 但至少我心里准备好了。


I knew I would say a few words about my vegan athlete background, talk about my 20-year vegan athlete career as a former champion bodybuilder and current author and speaker, share how honored I am to be at ChinaFit, and to flex as hard as I could while smiling as wide as I could. I hope it made a difference with such a large and attentive audience. The camera crew continued to follow me around to exercise equipment to take photographs of me lifting weights, so I realized the photo shoot for the interview was still going on. I was kind of ushered from one location to the next, so I didn’t always know quite what was going on, but I worked hard and flexed hard at every turn. 

我知道我将会介绍一些关于我的纯素运动员的背景、谈论我20年的纯素运动员生涯、作为一个前冠军健美运动员和现任健身书籍作家、和演讲者的身份、分享我是多么的荣幸可以参与 Chinafit 大会。我一定尽可能的努力、尽可能微笑。我希望我所做的与其他被而专注的嘉宾有所不同。下台之后,摄影师继续引导我们去周围的健身品牌的展位的新型设备前给我拍摄,所以我意识到照片拍摄的采访仍然在继续。我从一个地方到下一个地方,所以我并不总是知道发生了什么,但我努力工作,并投入每一个环节。


Then it was lunchtime, and I did another interview, this time for a vegan magazine based out of Hong Kong, during the lunch hour. After that is was time for another keynote presentation. It went well and I thought I was finished for the day, but I had another interview, this one on camera, perhaps for web TV, but I’m not sure, and then I continued to pose for photos, as I had done all weekend with my trademark smiling thumbs up. After that last interview, the expo was winding down and I hung out in what was sort of a meeting room near the stage in the vegan area of the expo, and I chatted with some others before it was time to say farewell to the expo. After some tea from a local Taiwanese wellness center, I left the expo with Robin, Peter, and new friends Joyce and Kimberly, and then it was time for dinner. 

然后到了午餐时间,我又一次接受了采访,这次和一间以香港为基地的素食杂志。午餐后之后是另一个主旨演讲的时候了。一起都很顺利,我认为我已经完成了一天,但我有另一个采访, 他们来自素食雷达,也许会用于网络电视,但我不确定,然后我继续为照片摆好姿势,因为我整个周末都在使用我的招牌微笑。在最后一次采访之后,ChinaFit大会结束了,我在的纯素区的一个会议室附近闲逛,在与大会告别之前,我与其他人聊天。在品尝一个台湾当地健身中心的茶之后,我和罗宾、彼得和新朋友乔伊斯和金伯利告别了ChinaFit大会,然后是晚餐的时候了。

Amazingly, to my complete surprise, after eating rice and vegetables with chopsticks all week, we went to an all vegan pizza place in Beijing. I didn’t know such a thing existed, and it was everything I hoped it would be, and more. It was beautiful, delicious, outstanding, and bashedeban as they would say in the western Chinese province where Peter is from (a different dialect than used in the political, cultural, and economic hub of Beijing). The inherent mental and emotional stress from being a keynote presenter at ChinaFit could finally subside for the first time since I had arrived on the other side of the world, and I could reflect on how the weekend went. I looked through photos, gave updates to Karen back at home, and had a good night’s rest.

令人惊讶的是, 在一整个星期用筷子吃米饭和蔬菜后,我们竟然来到了北京的一个纯素比萨店。我不知道有这么美好的事情存在,这是我所期待的一切。素披萨做很地道、漂亮、美味、杰出和 “巴适的扳”的,正如他们在四川话里打趣所说的那样,彼得是一个来自四川的纯素健身教练。在经历了Chinafit 大会一个个主旨演讲、分享和采访之后,我的的心理和情感压力终于可以平息,因为我到达世界的另一端,我可以思考周末如何消遣了。我查看了这几天拍得照片,给在家的凯伦通了话, 然后我休息的很好。


The Final Day



The next morning I met one of the ChinaFit organizers at 8AM at my hotel, and he joined me in a taxi to get to a meeting place, where we hopped on a tour bus to join nearly 50 others for a vegan restaurant tour of Beijing that would last from 9AM to 7PM. Like the rest of my China experience up that point, it was amazing, and I had a unique opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with people on the bus and at restaurants. Very few people from my encounters spoke English, and I had a translator for the entirety of my trip in China, but the broken English conversations were perhaps the most meaningful and taught me a lot about other forms of nonverbal communication. 



During our city tour, we stopped at half a dozen vegan restaurants. All had some sort of presentation prepared for us, including our final stop at a Taiwanese multi-purpose wellness center where we stayed for two hours, sang songs, watched video presentations, held hands in a circle, sat on meditation pillows, and listened to waterfalls from fountains dripping the length of the wall in a sanctuary-like setting.

在我们的城市旅游期间,我们参观了5间素食餐厅,所到之处都为我们做了一些精心的精美的准备,包括我们在一个台湾文化及健康中心(静思书院)的参观。我们在那里呆了两个小时,唱歌,观看视频演示,在一个圈子里握着手,冥想,听着庭院流水的声响, 仿佛在一个世外桃源的场景。


The tour ended, even later than planned, and again, I was exhausted from the constant go-go-go of the week, busy from morning until night, and always in front of cameras, constantly being requested to pose in photos, and I was genuinely interested in getting a good night’s rest before my flight the next day. Then the founder of ChinaFit, an organization in its 10th year, operating in 8 cities around China with 8 Fit Expos per year, invited me out for a one-on-one dinner. What an honor. I summoned the energy from within and brought as much enthusiasm as I could for my final event in China. We had a lovely dinner, talked about the growth of the vegan fitness movement around the globe and discussed ways to collaborate, making China a world leader in the vegan fitness movement. I got recognized by some vegans in the restaurant, and they came over to our table to take photos during my private dinner with the ChinaFit founder. And that was my final ego boost in the land of humility, while in the company of the incredibly humble founder of a vast and successful organization, the gracious Mr. Yan.

素餐厅的一日行结束了, 比原定计划推迟了不少, 我累坏了。我从一整个星期的由早到晚不停的奔波, 在镜头前拍照, 讲话,示范等。我真的很想在第二天的航班之前好好休息一下。然后是Chinafit (一个有着10年历史,每年在中国8个城市开展大会的健身和蔬食机构) 的创始人闫先生邀请我参加一对一的晚餐。这是多么的荣耀!我从内部召唤了能量,并带来了尽可能多的热情, 尽情投入我在中国的最后一次活动。我们吃了一顿美味的晚餐,谈论了全球素食健身运动的增长,并讨论了合作的方式,如何使中国成为纯素运动的世界领导者。我们遇见了一些素友,他们来到我们的桌子,在我与Chinafit创始人私人晚餐时拍照。面对一个成功的组织,和其不可思议的创始人,和蔼的闫先生。这是我最后在这谦卑的土地上的自我炫耀。 


I was met the next morning by another ChinaFit organizer, a lovely spirited man who goes by Charley, and he escorted me to the airport where I made my final farewell to the incredible nation I never knew I would meet firsthand. It was truly an honor and the experience of a lifetime to be an invited guest in China. I met some of the most lovely, kind, warm, and gracious people I have met in all my years of travels, and I enthusiastically look forward to my next involvement with ChinaFit.

第二天早上,另一个中国健身大会的组织者,可爱热情的查理, 来接我去机场,我向这个令人难以置信的国家的最后告别,我之前从来没有遇见但这是一个真正的荣誉,被邀请成为嘉宾出席这么一个活动将是我一生难忘的经历。我遇到了一些我多年旅行中遇到的最可爱、善良、热情和亲切的人,我热情地期待着我的下一次参与中国健身大会。


The Future


While in Beijing, I made contacts with people in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, and even places like the UK. I learned of other vegan events in and around China, and in places like Nepal. I had scheduled meetings about having my book translated into Mandarin Chinese and possibly other languages, and I can only feel hopeful and optimistic about the future. As I now look at my laptop’s clock, it reads 5:22AM, telling me I have been writing for a full hour, and reminding me that I have many, many more hours to go, as I won’t be arriving back in Phoenix until the evening, perhaps another 12-14 hours remaining. With airport layovers and customs, it is a full 24-hour trip, one I truly hope to make a couple of times a year. I may lose a full day with travel, and possibly lose an entire night’s sleep, but I gain so, so much from my experiences abroad.

在北京期间,我与来自上海、香港、泰国、印度尼西亚,甚至像英国的地方的人们建立了联系。我在中国和周围以及尼泊尔这样的地方学到了其他素食活动。我计划了关于将我的书翻译成中文和可能其他语言的行程, 我对未来感到充满希望和乐观。当我看着我的笔记本电脑的时钟, 时间指向 5 : 22am ,仿佛在告诉我,我写了整整一个小时,同时提醒我,我还有许多个小时大概还需要12-14个小时才能飞回到凤凰城。还要经过机场中转和海关,这是一个完整的24小时的旅行,一个我希望一年大概有个一两次的具有深刻意义的旅行。我可能会失去一整天的旅行,可能会失去整个晚上的睡眠,但我收获很多。这是我在海外体验的分享。





Thank you for reading about my trip to China. In general, I believe my trip was very worthwhile, very effective, and I believe I did have a positive influence on the vegan and non-vegan communities in China, and among those attending from other countries. China had a great impact on me as well. I already feel compelled to be more gracious, more appreciative, more kind and nurturing, and live with more gratitude on a daily basis. Though I have a magnet on my refrigerator at home that reminds me to never take anything for granted, I still do. And following the experience of a lifetime, I am compelled more than ever to make my actions reflect my new ambitions for making the most of what life offers. It is a stark reminder that if I want to live my life’s passion, while aiming to make others’ lives better through my actions, I need to keep creating meaningful opportunities for myself and those whom I encounter. I aim to finish my new book as soon as possible, after taking 18 months to refine it. I aim to spend more quality time with friends and family. I aim to make the most of my time in the gym with renewed focus to build the inner and outer strength to help lift others up. My visit to China helped me realign some priorities, and that is the best gift China could have given me, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.

谢谢你阅读我的中国之行游记。总的来说,我相信我的旅行非常值得,非常有效,我相信我确实对中国的素食和非素食社区,以及来自其他国家的人产生了积极的影响。中国也对我产生了巨大的影响。我已经感到不得不变得更亲切、更感激、更仁慈和更关心、更感恩地生活。在家里的冰箱上有一个醒脑金句磁铁牌, 提醒我永远不要把任何事情当作理所当然的, 我会一直这样做。让我的一生充满意义,也帮助他人的人生更好及富有意义。我的目标是在花了18个月后, 我将尽快完成我的新书。我的目标是花更多的时间和朋友和家人在一起。我的目标是让我在健身房的大部分时间更加专注,建立内在和外在力量帮助提升他人。我访问中国帮助我调整了一些优先事项,这是中国给我的最好的礼物,为此,我非常感谢!


Thank You


I have no idea if they’ll read this, or if any of you have even made it this far, in my longer-than-usual blog post, but I want to thank Robin, Charley, and Mr. Yan, for the incredibly generous invitation to be a keynote presenter at ChinaFit, and I want to thank Peter, Joyce, Kimberly, Elliot, Shirley, and others who helped out in such fantastic ways from translating for me, to getting me from point A to point B, to taking photos to document my experience, to being there with beautiful smiles to welcome me to the wonderful place they call home.

我不知道您是否会读到这些内容,或者,如果你们中的任何一个会坚持读到这篇比我平常博客更长的帖子。我想谨此感谢罗宾、查理和闫先生,感谢他们非常慷慨地邀请我作为ChinaFit 大会的主旨演讲嘉宾!我要感谢彼得、乔伊斯、金伯利、艾略特、雪莉和其他人,他们以如此美妙的方式帮助我, 无微不至。总是以他们最好的方式招待我、陪伴我、协助我... 并以最美好的微笑和态度在这片他们居住的热土欢迎我.....感激不尽!


信息来源:Robert Cheeke

翻译:素士派Robin / 乐动天下

图片来源:Robert Cheeke / ChinaFit














| 癌症预防及存活 | 蛋白质与癌症 | 蛋氨酸与癌症 | 胆固醇 | 慢性病 | 关节炎 | 肾结石 | 心脑血管| 高血压 | 减肥 | 逆转糖尿病 | 糖尿病饮食 |商城 | 论坛 | 化疗升白| 甲状腺 | 进餐顺序 | 痛风 | 骨骼保护 | 关于食盐 | 养生蔬果选择 | 能量餐盘 | 营养彩虹 | 21天健康挑战 | 肠道菌群 | 自愈力 | 饮食与运动 | 阿尔茨海默氏病 | 素食偏见 |  素食健身 | 二恶英 | 关于鸡蛋 |




